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Support Your Feet and Save on Custom Orthotics

foot painArch madness is here! While we can’t give you bracket tips to win your March Madness pool, we are offering savings on support for your sport!

Show Your Feet Some Love for Less

Get 20% off all Foot Levelers orthotics for the month of March (expires 3/31/20)!

Experience the Foot Levelers Difference

Unlike orthotics you’d buy at the drugstore or a big-box store, Foot Levelers orthotics are customized. All three arches of the foot are supported.

Customized orthotics help you hold your adjustments longer and keep you in better balance. As a result, you can get pain relief throughout your body. The orthotics are also clinically proven to reduce low back pain by 34.5%.

Boost Athletic Performance

Orthotics support the foundation of your body—your feet. When your feet are well supported, you can improve your sports performance. Whether your passion is running, CrossFitting, cycling or shooting hoops, Foot Levelers orthotics can help you be at your athletic best.

Call (212) 752-6770 today to book an appointment!

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